注意: Classes canceled today due to weather conditions. Check Blackboard for communication from your instructors.

female student uses human body anatomy model in biology class discussion

Medical Technology Program

Study medical technology at SBU

Medical 技术专家s are lab professionals that play an important role in patient health by conducting the medical tests ordered by physicians. These tests and their results are critical in allowing physicians to determine the proper diagnosis and 治疗.

Studying medical technology at SBU provides the unique opportunity to receive a Christian education from SBU and also learn at the Cox School of Medical Technology in 斯普林菲尔德, Mo. The medical technology degree is a four-year program leading to a bachelor of 科学学位. You will complete the first three years at SBU and then complete the fourth year at Cox Medical Center South (or another approved medical technology program). This program is perfect for students wanting to pursue a med tech certification.

Once you complete the medical 技术专家 program and pass the examination given by the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, you will be a certified medical 技术专家.

The Medical Technology degree is offered through SBU's College of Arts and Sciences


(For SBU medical technology graduates who complete the full program and pass the American Society of Clinical Pathologists certification exam.)

Professor showing students how to use biology equipment


  • Nearly 70% of our students applying to medical technology programs are accepted to the program of their application, such as the one at Cox School of Medical Technology with which SBU partners.
  • Students complete the program in four years - three years at SBU and one year at Cox or an accredited/approved school of medical technology. All graduates can earn med tech certification.
  • Small class sizes allow you to have plenty of opportunities for hands-on learning and close interactions with expert professors.


SBU is home to the Darrell R. Strait Center for the Integration of Science and Christian 信仰, which is intentionally focused on equipping students to study the history and philosophy of science, Biblical hermeneutics, and the integration of science and faith. Faculty encourage discussion of ethical 问题 that arise in the world of science and challenge students to use their Christian faith as the basis for approaching all 问题. SBU believes strongly that science and Christian faith can be integ率d and support each other.

俱乐部 and Organizations


The pre-health society is an open club for students who are interested in pursuing a career in a health-related field. The club meets once a month for group meetings, planning service events and hearing from guest speakers from various health fields. The club is a mix of all classes, giving younger students the chance to meet upperclassmen who can encourage them in their chosen fields and through the challenges of pursuing a career in a health field.


As an SBU medical technology student, you are encouraged to join the 生物学俱乐部. During monthly meetings you will learn about the biology field from expert guest speakers, give back through biology-related service projects (such as volunteering at the zoo), and participate in social events.


As an outstanding medical technology student, you may have the opportunity to join σζ, a national honor society for science and math students. σζ members have the opportunity to go to the national honor society's convention and learn from experts and other students. You may even have the chance to present your own research 在大会上.