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political science professor meets with two students in office



什么是政治科学? It is the study of government, law, and politics at the local, state, national and international levels. 政治学学士学位是 a practical liberal arts degree that will open a lot of doors for various career paths 根据你的兴趣. As a political science major at SBU, you will develop valuable skills in research, analytical reasoning and communication that will serve you well as you pursue graduate studies or your career goals.

You can easily combine your political science degree with another major, such as history, communication or criminal justice, to add greater depth to your academic plan.

SBU's political science major will prepare you for various job opportunities in government, public or private sector, international relations, inter-government and NGOs, newspapers, 学术界,游说团体等等. The political science degree at SBU is also the leading 主要我们 法律系的 学生们在为法学院做准备时做出选择.

The 政治科学 degree is offered through SBU's 文理学院




(SBU is the only Baptist college or university in the state of Missouri that offers 主修政治学或政治学的人.)



  • Political science majors have completed political science internships in Washington, D.C.; Jefferson City, Mo.; and 斯普林菲尔德, Mo.
  • Thrive in small classes where you receive personal attention, individualized instruction and one-on-one advisement, including specialized 法律系的 advisement for students seeking to go on to law school following graduation from SBU.
  • You will be challenged to think deeply 宝博体育 the relationship between faith and culture, between faith and politics, and how Christianity has impacted the wider world.
  • Courses cover a broad spectrum of topics within the discipline, ranging from American government to African history to the Holocaust, all taught from the viewpoint of a 基督教的观点.


In SBU's political science program, you will learn to see politics and international relations from a Biblical perspective and will be encouraged to use a "3-D approach" ——考虑身体、思想和灵魂. 

For example, the study of international relations is essentially 宝博体育 a collective goods problem - there is a global village with no central authority to govern. 在那里 are three approaches to address this problem: dominance theory, mutual cooperation 或同情. As Christians, we choose to take the empathy approach based on recognizing our common humanity, forgiveness and helping others. 我们与他人的互动 are based on the Great Commission and we know that the ultimate solution to the world's 问题是在基督的救恩中找到的.


SBU political science graduates are equipped for a variety of careers from law and 从执法到公共服务再到政府部门. 这里有几个例子 我们的政治学毕业生正在做:

  • Special Agent, Department of 首页land Security, Washington, D.C.
  • Director of Administration, City of Shrewsbury, Mo.
  • 密苏里州堪萨斯城世界贸易中心经理.
  • Director of Research, John Hancock and Associates
  • 公司律师,各种公司


Many of our political science graduates pursue further education at institutions such 具体如下:

  • 恩波里亚州立大学
  • 圣母大学
  • 密苏里大学
  • 俄克拉荷马大学
  • 弗吉尼亚大学
  • 沃什伯恩大学
  • 华盛顿大学. 路易

"The professors at SBU foster an environment where it is easy for students to be actively 参与学习过程. They encouraged me to develop the skills to think critically and independently, which have been invaluable to me both in law school 作为一名律师. SBU provides more than an education; it provides the opportunity to grow intellectually, socially and spiritually while surrounded by a community of people who are committed to your success in each of those areas."
研究生d from 弗吉尼亚大学 Law School and now works as a corporate attorney 德州达拉斯的众达律师事务所



Jon Whitehead, a 2001 SBU graduate, spoke on the Missouri Constitution and religious 自由. Whitehead was one of the attorneys on the 2017 Trinity Lutheran Supreme Court 情况下.

宗教改革日-博士. 杰森·艾伦

Dr. 杰森·艾伦, president of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary spoke to SBU students on the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation (October 31, 2017) 宝博体育 苍井空Scriptura 以及它与今天的关系.



Tony Simones, Director of Civic Education for the Missouri Bar Association, spoke 宝博体育 Article I, Sections 8-9 of the Missouri Constitution.


Dr. John Hardin, director of university relations for the Charles Koch Foundation, was the featured speaker for SBU's 2017 Constitution Day commemoration.


 Listen to SBU history and political science faculty discuss their academic discipline and the role it plays in government and society.



Bolivar resident and 1974 SBU graduate, Judge Gary Lynch of the Missouri Court of Appeals, Southern District, was the first speaker in a series 宝博体育 the Missouri Constitution. Lynch presented 宝博体育 Article I, Sections 1-4 of the Missouri Constitution.

 宪法日-一般. 伦道夫》,

现任美国联邦调查局局长.S. 美国特勤局. 兰多夫·艾尔斯,SBU的 9月11日宪法日的礼拜仪式. 17, 2018.


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