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Speaking Bearcats


Speaking Bearcats Forensics Team

会说话的熊,SBU享誉全国的法医团队,有着悠久的历史 在比赛中表现优异,因为这支球队履行了Pi Kappa Delta的座右铭 全国大学生演讲与辩论荣誉学会:“说服艺术之美。 and just."

A Tradition of Excellence

  • 12届Pi Kappa Delta全国锦标赛:1975、1985、1987、1989、1991、1993、1995、 1997, 1999, 2003, 2007, 2008
  • 超过25个密苏里州法医协会州冠军
  • 四十多年来一直是派·卡帕德尔塔的活跃会员,也就是 历史最悠久,规模最大,最负盛名的校际演讲和辩论之一 organizations
  • Numerous team sweepstakes tournament awards since 1969
  • Countless individual awards
  • 全球数百名成功的法医学校友,他们每个人都影响着世界 day in a variety of vocations

Frequently Asked Questions

First, we think of ourselves as a family. We care about our team members and genuinely 希望他们学会在法医学和生活中都取得成功. Second, we maintain a comprehensive focus. While most programs teach their students to specialize 在少数活动中,我们希望我们的学生在各种各样的活动中追求卓越 of speech and debate events. We do this because it enhances the learning that takes 参加校际取证的结果. Third, we offer our 学生以集体和一对一的形式得到极大的关注. 我们不把学生视为竞争机器中的齿轮,而是独特的个体 who we can help realize their God-given potential. Fourth, although we strive to compete 为了赢得胜利,我们永远不要忘记法医学首先是一个 educational activity.

Forensics competition offers students many benefits. Some of the more significant benefits are:

  • Hone your research skills 参加演讲和辩论比赛可以提高你的研究能力 这样你就可以探索复杂的话题,并能够在更大的范围内讨论一个问题 比那些对重大社会政治问题一知半解的人更了解细节. 这将使你在你的书面工作和你的能力中脱颖而出 to speak intelligently about a variety of topics.
  • Become a better writer -大量的调查显示,雇主一直在寻找有前途的人 具有优秀的书面和口头沟通能力的员工. In forensics 你需要(在教练的帮助下)根据目标撰写和重写演讲 制作一个及时、相关并最终对各种人有说服力的信息 of audiences.
  • Become a better performer -而“表演”一词通常被认为只适用于场地 就像剧院和音乐厅里的音乐一样,现实是我们专业的很多 lives involve performance. We perform every time we participate in a job interview or try to express our ideas to others. In forensics you will learn how to perform 你写的演讲稿和别人写的文学作品都是这样的 make it come alive for an audience.
  • Be a better-informed citizen -当代生活中的公民身份要求参与者不仅要见多识广, but critical consumers of information. Speech and debate will enable you to understand 当代社会面临的各种各样的问题,你可以 不仅参与辩论和讨论这些问题,但你可以成为一个 社会的领导者和你所信仰的事业的道德倡导者.
  • Have fun 生活中没有什么比和一群教练一起努力工作更令人愉快的了 和队友才能在一项活动中取得卓越. Alumni from our program 持续发展亲密的友谊,持续一生. Hours spent competing, 一起旅行和玩乐会建立一种特殊的友情 that of high-performing athletic teams.
Absolutely. 如果你像你的教练那样努力工作,管理好时间 处方,你将能够成为一个成功的法医竞争对手,在你的出类拔萃 academics and still have an active social life in college. Over the years our program 已经产生了数百个成功的竞争者,他们成功地平衡了东道主 of other activities and forensics. Forensics will keep you busy, but it will not consume your entire life — we won't permit it to.

我们是一个全国性的竞争项目,这意味着我们要在全国范围内旅行 to face the best of the best. Most of the tournaments we attend are within one day's 开车从密苏里西南部出发,但我们通常每年至少旅行一到两次 that involve air travel. 最近,该团队前往加州参加锦标赛, 路易斯安那州,明尼苏达州,德克萨斯州,俄克拉何马州,堪萨斯州,俄亥俄州和俄勒冈州,仅举几例.

我们通常一个学期参加四到五场比赛. Many programs we 在全国范围内,他们比我们更频繁地旅行(8次之间) and ten tournaments a semester). At SBU we travel as often as we can, but always maintain 我们对时间限制和学生学业要求的敏感度.

在每年的夏末,我们将团队聚集在玻利瓦尔进行团队静修. 这是我们练习的时间,为活动做准备,为来年做准备,和 get to know each other by having fun together. We generally take a few afternoons 在我们的团队静修期间去探索斯普林菲尔德-布兰森当地的一些景点 metro area. 如果时间、日程和预算允许,我们会提前一天 or after one of our far away trips to go and be tourists. We also get together for cookouts, holiday parties, and other events when we can. Once each year we also will take an afternoon to do a team community service project.


任何学术成绩良好的本科生都可以加入团队 who maintains a GPA of at least 3.0. The easiest way for current students to join 我们的方法就是“继续前进”——出现在我们每周一举行的每周会议上 and Wednesday afternoons from 4:30-5:45 p.m.

新到SBU的学生,无论是新生还是其他学校的转学生 学院或大学,应申请表现奖学金,并尝试 the team. 尝试的日期各不相同,但我们通常在秋季和夏季各有一次 spring. We will keep you informed about the dates for tryouts. We begin making scholarship 所以我们鼓励申请者申请 early.

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